Ducking for Cover Before the N.R.A.
Published: September 17, 2010
The Obama administration still has not nominated a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That can only be seen as a dangerous homage to the National Rifle Association, whose legions of Congressional sycophants undoubtedly are just waiting for the cue to trash whomever the White House chooses. That’s still no excuse.
The bureau is supposed to be the main enforcer of the nation’s gun control laws, policing federally licensed dealers and lately stopping illegal gun shipments across the Mexican border.
Mexico has been pleading with President Obama and Congress to do more to control the American supply of battlefield weapons to the drug cartels. Three-quarters of the 80,000 firearms confiscated by Mexican authorities came from the United States in a recent four-year period that saw 28,000 killed in the drug wars, according to a study by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
The problem isn’t just across the border. Tens of thousands of Americans are shot to death each year. So what does Congress do? It panders to the gun lobby.
In a shameful sign of the times, the House took care to pass a bankruptcy measure that exempted firearms from seizure by creditors. Meanwhile, in the Senate, a measure cynically termed the Reform and Firearms Modernization Act is a piƱata for the gun lobby and would drive the leaderless Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives further toward impotency.
The minority of rogue gun dealers now selling most crime guns would be shielded under the bill. The federal government would be blocked from shutting down or fining unscrupulous dealerships, unless prosecutors could prove egregious offenders “willfully” intended to break a law they specifically knew about. Dealers who profit richly from the reported “loss” of high-powered crime weapons would no longer face loss of their licenses.
Congress needs to stop pandering. And the White House needs to stop cowering and listen to six former officials at the A.T.F. who called on the president to appoint a new director. They warned that the longer the job stays unfilled, “the consequences grow deadlier.”
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